PSI (KSISF)-29/01/2023

    1. Role of media in woman’s safety
    2. Uniform Civil Code — A Constitutional Mandate
    3. Contract farming versus Corporate farming
    4. Internal National Security threats of India
    5. Composite culture of India

RSI – 8/1/2023

    1. Impact of internet on our lives.
    2. Diversity of Karnataka.
    3. Changing role of women in today’s world.
    4. Development of man. vs Conservation of nature.
    5. Fit India: Importance of good health

RSI (KSRP & IRB) – 18/12/2022

    1. Sustainable development – more noise than the action?
    2. The Role of police in Fight against COVID-19 pandemic.
    3. Poor and illiterate are less corrupt than the rich and educated
    4. Technology as a tool to democratise education
    5. Decade of the drone has just started.

Maximize your score by practising all PSI-PYQ Papers
(1998-2023) sorted year-wise and chapter-wise

PSI-CIVIL-545: 03/10/2021

    1. The relationship between environmental and demographic problems.
    2. The composition and cosmopolitan culture of India
    3. Educational crisis during pandemic period
    4. Significance of science and technology in policing.
    5. South Asia is a burning cauldron, Examine.


    1. Is the New Education Policy 2020 cure to all ills in our education system?
    2. CAA, 2019 and its after effect
    3. The impact of covid-19 on Indian economy
    4. Women emancipation in India: Myth or reality
    5. Global Warming

RSI: 19/02/2020

    1. Internet and Women Safety.
    2. India and multiculture (plural culture)
    3. Sustainable economic development and environment.
    4. Relevance of Coalition governments.
    5. Regionalism, Nationalism and Constitution.

Civil-PSI: 08/03/2020

    1. India as a Super Power in 2020: Comment.
    2. Need for social reforms in the 21st century
    3. “Climate change — its happening here and its happening now”. Comment
    4. India’s demographic dividend: Boon or Bane?
    5. Need for legislative reforms in India.

KSRP/KSISF: 20/12/2020

    1. Impact of smartphones on our lives
    2. Importance of kannada in our changing society
    3. Education: key to a nation’s progress
    4. The threat of global warming
    5. Erosion of morality in the society today

Instructor : 03/11/2019

    1. Increasing computerisation would lead to the creation of a dehumanised society
    2. India’s Non-Aligned Policy: Pros and Cons
    3. Inter State River water disputes
    4. Spirituality and Scientific Temper
    5. India’s Contribution to World Wisdom

Assistant Instructor: 2019

    1. Whether Cybercrime in its trend has surpassed traditional crimes? Discuss.
    2. Explain the measures to curb Drug Menace.
    3. Corruption has become the Etiquette Today. Discuss
    4. Art & Cinema are the reflection of our society. Discuss.
    5. Discuss in brief about gender Sensitization.

Civil-PSI : 2019

    1. Innovation is the key determinant to Economic Growth and Social Welfare.
    2. Cyberspace and Internet — Blessing or curse to the Human Civilization in the
    3. Does Indian Cinema shape our popular culture or merely reflect it.
    4. Role of Media in good governance.
    5. The need for vocational education in India

Reserve Sub Inspector: 2018

    1. implementing modernisation in Agriculture.
    2. Role of policing in the development of a nation.
    3. India emerging as a powerful nation globally.
    4. Artificial intelligence technology
    5. Social media and its impact.

Wireless PSI: 2018

    1. Role of women’s self-help group in the economic development of rural women
    2. Welfare measures in the police department
    3. State intelligence department and intelligence Bureau (I.B) coordination and challenges
    4. Role of youth in strengthening democracy
    5. Global warming-cause and effects. Discuss

PSI: 07/06/2018

    1. Social Media is a boon or bane ? Has social media improved or degraded social behaviour of individuals? Discuss.
    2. The decline of socialism and left leaning is a loss to modern society. Argue for or against the above statement.
    3. India’s judicial system has regressed into a “bail industry”. Argue for or against the above statement.
    4. India’s multi-ethnic and multi-cultural character has been threatened by recent acts of violence and protests. Discuss.
    5. Water wars are a distinct possibility in the near future. Discuss in the context of Cauvery water sharing dispute among the southern states of India.


    1. Artificial Intelligence — pros and cons.
    2. Destiny of a nation Is shaped in its classrooms
    3. Urbanization is a blessing in disguise
    4. Economic growth and distributive justice
    5. Globalization and its impaction Indian Culture.

Intelligence PSI: 2018

    1. Destiny of a Nation is shaped in its classroom
    2. Environmental pollution: Causes and Solution
    3. GST Reforms and its impact on the Indian economy
    4. Urbanisation and its hazards
    5. Be the change you want to see in other – M.K.Gandhi

RSI: 24/08/2017

    1. Natural disaster and management
    2. Modernisation of police
    3. Impact of GST on Indian Economy
    4. Fundamental Rights v/s Fundamental Duties
    5. River Water disputes in Karnataka

SI (KSISF) & SRSI (KSRP): 13/07/2017

    1. Merits and demerits of a cashless economy
    2. Cauvery River Dispute – solutions to inter-state river water sharing.
    3. Should Karnataka go for a Complete liquor Ban?
    4. India’s foreign policy vis-a-vis Pakistan and China – Pros and cons.
    5. Unregulated social media- threats to National Security

Civil & Int: 22/06/2017

    1. Digital Age Boon or Ban?
    2. Role of society in combating terrorism
    3. Role of media in democracy.
    4. Traffic congestion – causes and solutions
    5. Judicial activism

PSI (Wireless)-2016

    1. Water resource management
    2. Cross border terrorism
    3. Bridging trust deficit between police and society
    4. Demonetisation as a solution to curb black money
    5. Impact of media on law and order


    1. Menace of black money
    2. Desirability of uniform civil code
    3. “Sex Ratio in India” Comment
    4. Role of police in a democracy
    5. Development of scientific temper in a fundamental duty. Discuss


    1. Relationship between Judiciary and Executive
    2. Role of regional parties in Indian Polity
    3. Inter-state river water disputes in India
    4. Is capital punishment required?
    5. Importance of study of Karnataka History


    1. Uniform civil code
    2. Impact of Goods and Service Tax (GST) on India economy
    3. Recent measures undertaken by RBI to regulate Indian Financial Market
    4. Secularism and communal harmony
    5. The role of public and government in improvising the traffic system


    1. Corruption in Governance: Causes and Remedies
    2. Influence of caste and religion in politics
    3. Impact of economic development on social morality and culture
    4. Politics: Career or social service


    1. Present day policing challenges and opportunity
    2. Employment in Government sector v/s Private sector perception and reality
    3. Impact of modern technology on cultural and social ethics
    4. Declining role of agriculture in Indian economy causes and remedy


    1. Role of the social media in Police work
    2. Left wing extremism and its solutions
    3. Women empowerment and its effects on Indian society
    4. New global world order
    5. Electronic media- a boon or curse


    1. Electoral Reforms and Administration
    2. Crises in India’s Agricultural Sector
    3. Moral policing and society
    4. Role of police in democratic government


    1. Black money in India
    2. Natural wealth: a boon or a curse
    3. Role of law and order on economic progress
    4. Global warming and climate change
    5. Women Empowerment


    1. Freedom of Press- Role of Press and Media in India as saviour of democracy
    2. The role of ISRO in modern India.
    3. can India lead Third World countries globally.
    4. Invasion of western culture in India
    5. The role of women in shaping modern Karnataka
    6. Karnataka as a model State in India


    1. Communal harmony
    2. Student a Nation Builder
    3. ‘Corruption’ in Public Life
    4. Cauvery River Dispute
    5. Mining – Boon or Bane


    1. ‘Corruption’ in Public Life.
    2. ‘Mobile Phones’ – boon or bane.
    3. United Nations’ – Stake of India in the permanent security council.
    4. The Western Ghats as world’s heritage site.
    5. Contribution of Indians in the detection of Higgs Boson sub atomic particle (God’s Particle)


    1. Cyber-crime and Internet Security
    2. Impact of technology on economic growth
    3. Pollution and its effect environment changes
    4. Women entrepreneurship development
    5. Media and Society


    1. Evil effects of urbanization
    2. No progress can be achieved without scientific temper
    3. Qualities expected of police officer
    4. Reservation for women
    5. Electoral Reforms
    6. Sex education in schools


    1. Measures that can be taken to reduce farmer suicides
    2. Negative effects of cinema on society
    3. How can a people friendly police system be created?
    4. Eradication of corruption through transparent governance


    1. Is Reservation in appointments required for Rural candidates?
    2. Farmer’s problems and suicide
    3. Kannada film industry
    4. Progress and political will
    5. Atrocities on women and law
    6. Friendship with Pakistan is possible


    1. Can Humanism be an answer to communalism?
    2. How to make administration pro-people?
    3. Is information Technology the only way for development of India?
    4. ‘Cauvery Water Dispute’- Nature of the problem and remedy.
    5. Cinema is no ‘Art’ it is only a “Mass Medium”
    6. “Antheism ” in Indian philosophy


    1. Changes you perceive in police functioning for better service to public
    2. Contribution of Bharat Ratna Sir. M. Visveswaraya to the Nation
    3. Population of India-Its effect on the Nation
    4. Information Technology and future
    5. Bundh-pros and cons


    1. 50 years of independence
    2. Panchayat Raj and its power
    3. Tipu Sultan – Tiger of Mysore
    4. The social role of the police, as I see it
    5. The noble idea of the Preamble of Indian Constitution